Most Used Git Commands

Most Used Git Commands


4 min read

git init # initialize directory as git repository

git clone curl> # copying git repository from hosted url to local machine

git status # show modified files in current directory

git log # view your commit history

git add -A # add changed files into your next commit (stage)

git commit -m •your message' # commit your changes

git pull origin main # get up-to-date changes from the main branch

git push origin main # push your changes to the main branch

git branch # list all local branches on the machine

git merge develop # will merge develop branch into the current

git switch # To switch between the branches

git branch <branch-narne> # will create new branch

git checkout B # switch from current to B

git branch -m B # will rename current branch to B

git branch -d A # delete specified branch(A)

git rm # remove file from project and stage removal

git stash # save modified and staged changes

  • git stash list #It gives the list of stashed code, we get stash-id from it

  • git stash apply # It will apply all those changes in your code, but it will not delete it from stash list

  • git stash drop #It will remove the stash code of that stash-id

  • git stash pop #It will bring all those changes in your code and delete it from stash list

  • git stash clear #It will remove all stash code from the stash list NOTE: GIT uses SHA1 algo for hashing the files

git diff A B # show what is on A but not on B

git rebase <main> # put commits of current branch ahead of main

git revert # It will undo all changes made by that specific commit

git reset # It will remove all the changes made by commits done after that commit id.

  • git reset head –hard It will reset all commits and have changes that master has

git remote –v # Gives the repo link

pip3 install git-sim

to visualise git cmds.

Squashing the Commits

• git rebase -i HEAD ~

• Then pick the commit you want, and rest will be squash

• Then keep only commit message you want

• git push origin --force

Resolving merge conflicts/ Rebase branch (2 ways)

• Method 1

o git pull --rebase origin master

• Method 2

o git fetch –all

o git rebase origin/master

• Below steps are same for both method

o Resolve merge conflicts and save the file

o git add .

o git rebase --continue

• If still merge conflicts are coming resolve them and continue git add . and git rebase --continue, till all merge conflicts are resolved o git rebase –abort  To abort the rebasing

o git push origin --force Pro tip: Squash all commits, so that you can resolve merge conflicts in one go.

Cherry Pick

• It is used when we want to apply commit changes from one branch to another branch.

• It is used for the bug fixes, where you want to apply that commit to fix the bug in multiple branches

• It used to duplicate the commit from one branch to another

• In one of the branch A, one commit is made to fix a bug

• Now in another branch B, you want that commit.

• With help of git log, get the commit id from Branch A, copy it

• Now go to branch B, in which you want that commit changes from A branch.

• git cherry-pick • It will commit and apply changes on branch B, from that commit.

• If you would like to make some further modifications,

• you can also instruct Git to only add the commit's changes to your Working Copy - without directly committing them:

• git cherry-pick --no-commit

Squahing all commits

Remember that there's always risk in doing things like this, and its never a bad idea to create a save branch before starting.

Start by logging

git log --oneline

Scroll to first commit, copy SHA

git reset --soft <#sha#>

Replace <#sha#> w/ the SHA copied from the log

git status

Make sure everything's green, otherwise run git add -A

git commit --amend

Amend all current changes to current first commit

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